Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is a common term used to describe endodontic therapy. As the name suggest, it involves treatment of the canal within the root of the tooth and hence the term “ENDO-DONTIC” therapy.

RCT is a common, quick and straight forward procedure performed to relieve dental pain and save the natural tooth.

Although is dreaded procedure, it can be made painless and comfortable with the care by an Endodontist. (A specialized person to do the Root Canal Treatment).

When does a tooth need RCT?

A tooth that has inflammation or infection in its root and exhibits the following symptoms may need a RCT:-

  • Severe pain upon chewing or application of pressure.
  • Prolonged sensitivity (pain) to hot and cold temperature.
  • Sudden onset of severe pain in the evenings or in the middle of the night.
  • Spontaneous pain in the tooth.
  • Swelling in the jaws / gums.
  • Discolored teeth.
  • Broken teeth / grossly destructed teeth even if they are asymptomatic.

RCT is designed to eliminate the bacteria and infected pulp tissue from the root canal and prevent the tooth from infection.

A normal tooth has following structure in cross section.

cross section

  • A white outer covering called ENAMEL.
  • Beneath the enamel is a hard-yellowish layer called DENTIN which is a collection of tiny tubules connecting the outer enamel to the soft tissue underneath called “PULP”.
  • Pulp contains the blood vessels, nerves and connective tissues which help to grow the root of the tooth during early development and keeps the tooth alive.

What are the causes for a tooth to need RCT?

Inflammation or infection in the pulp.

The causes of pulp inflammation or infection can be: -

  • Deep decay (cavity).
  • Repeated dental procedures such as multiple fillings on the same tooth or change of crowns.
  • Crack or chip in the tooth.
  • Trauma due to fall / accidents.
  • Traumatic bite / occlusion.
  • As a consequence of severe gum problems.
  • Faulty crowns.
  • Broken tooth.
  • Discolored tooth.

What to expect during RCT?

  • During RCT an endodontist thoroughly anesthetizes the tooth and then carefully removes the inflamed and infected pulp tissue, disinfect the root canal space subsequently shape and clean the canal space using endodontic files and irrigation system.
  • Then the canal space is filled 3-dimentionally using inert filling material called Gutta Percha.
  • In the following visit the tooth is restored with a permanent tooth colored filling and rebuild to its original shape (if it is a front tooth).
  • In case of a back tooth (posterior tooth) a crown will have to be placed after the permanent filling.

Tooth Filling

Tooth Filling 1

Tooth Filling 2

A well done RCT can help:

  • To relieve tooth pain.
  • Preserve your natural tooth structure.
  • Maintain your natural smile / appearance.
  • Provide normal / optimum chewing.
  • Preserve normal biting forces and sensations.

Dental Implants

Our clinic offers professional dental implant services, ensuring patients can restore their smiles with confidence and improve oral function.

Cosmetic Dentistry

As the name suggest, cosmetic dentistry refers to: -

  • Any procedure aimed towards improving the appearance of teeth, gums and the jaws.
  • It primarily and most commonly focuses on improvement in the color, shape, size, position and alignment of teeth which in turn can influence the overall smile and appearance of the person. 

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry may involve the following procedure: -

  1. Addition of dental material to the tooth surface commonly referred to as veneer or laminate which are bonded on to the tooth surface. It can be made of ceramic / porcelain referred to as Ceramic Laminate or of composite- referred to as Composite Veneer.

    Composite Veneer

  2. Reshaping the tooth structure and the gums referred to as: -
  • * Enameloplasty.
  • *Gingivoplasty respectively


  • Changing the color of teeth without altering the shape or size of tooth referred to as Bleaching or teeth whitening.


  • Re-positioning or Re-aligning of teeth referred to as Orthodontics / Braces / Aligners.

    Orthodontics / Braces / Aligners

A cosmetic procedure may involve anyone one or a combination of the above procedure.

  • Generally, when a client is interested in cosmetic procedure, A careful analysis is done based on the clients needs and concern for the cosmetic make over, photographs and models of teeth are made.
  • A mockup is doe which serves as a valuable tool for the client to understand the treatment outcome (* conditions apply)
  • A digital software tool can be used as an added adjunct to cosmetic procedures.
  • Treatment options are discussed and executed as planned

Veneers /Laminates are the most common procedures in cosmetic dentistry.

Veneers are custom made ultra-thin layer of ceramic that are bonded to the teeth.

They are an easy option for closing the space, improve the shape to change color of the teeth and correcting mild malalignment of teeth.

Veneers can be of 2 types:

  • Ceramic veneers – or Ceramic Laminates.
  • Composite Veneers.

Ceramic Laminates: is a multi-visit procedure. It requires tooth preparation and impression to be made in the first visit. Laminates are fabricated on the model of your teeth in a lab and the prepared laminates are luted on to your teeth during subsequent visit to the dentist. It usually takes 4 -7 days to get your laminates fabricated from a reputed dental lab.

Composite Veneers: are performed in one visit. The dentist fabricates and bond the veneer directly on your tooth surface.

The decision to place ceramic Laminates or composite veneers are based on case specificity and the client’s needs.

Cosmetic Dentistry 1

The most beautiful faces of our Bollywood will be looking like this with no teeth. Teeth are thus the most important structure that adds beauty to your face apart from doing its other functions.

Some of our cases:

Cosmetic Dentistry 2

Cosmetic Dentistry 3

For further information, feel free to talk to one of our doctors.

Digital Smile Designing

Digital smile designing services are provided.


Orthodontics services are provided.

Removable Orthodontics

Removable Orthodontics services are provided.


Re-positioning or Re-aligning of teeth referred to as Orthodontics / Braces / Aligners.

Periodontal/Gum Disease

Infection of the tissues that hold the teeth in place are referred to as “Periodontal/Gum disease” 

The tissues that hold the teeth in place are as follows:

  • Gums / Gingiva.
  • Periodontal ligament
  • Alveolar Bone

Periodontal/Gum Disease Periodontal/Gum Disease 1

The tooth is anchored within the bone by means of periodontal ligament and the Bone is covered by the gums. Periodontal ligaments act as a suspension and shock absorbent for the tooth within the bone.

Inflammation or infection in these structures are referred to as periodontal/gum diseases.

In the early stages, when the inflammation is limited to gums only, it is referred to as “Gingivitis”

It has very few symptoms and in most cases the disease has progressed significantly before symptoms arise. Also, in most cases the condition is painless and hence considered insignificant till it reaches a critical stage.

In a more advanced stage, when the infection reaches PDL or the Bone, it is referred to as “Periodontitis”. Here all of the tissues gums, PDL and bone are involved.

How Gum Disease progresses:

Healthy Gums

Healthy Gums

Gum Disease

Gum Disease 



When your gums and supporting jaw bone are both complete, healthy and attached around the teeth, the tooth is stable and strong in its position. Healthy gums are firm, pink and do not bleed easily. The gums naturally attach to the teeth slightly below the gumline.

Bacteria gets onto the teeth from food and other sources. If the bacteria is not removed by brushing and flossing, it forms a sticky biofilm on the teeth known as plaque.

The bacterial plaque emits toxins that irritate and eat away at the gums and tooth enamel. The gums become inflamed. This is the beginning stage of gum disease. If this accumulation is not removed, the disease progresses in severity as the plaque accumulates further. The inflammation worsens, the gum detaches from the teeth and the supporting bone is lost.

Gingivitis and Periodontitis:

The first level of gum disease is known as gingivitis, which is a bacterial infection of the gums only. There is some redness and non-painful swelling of the gums, and the gums may bleed when brushing. However, there is no detachment of the gums from the teeth and no destruction of the ligament and supporting bone. If the bacterial infection is fully treated by thorough cleaning, health can be easily restored.

The second level is more severe and is known as periodontitis. Periodontitis is an infection of both the gums and the surrounding bone, which causes the gums and ligaments to detach from the teeth and causes bone loss.

As the gums detach, a pocket develops under the gumline between the gums and the teeth. Bacteria accumulates in the pocket and hardens into calculus (also known as tartar). This irritates the gums further and accelerates the infection, gum detachment and bone loss.

Stages of Periodontitis:

The point of gum attachment to your teeth is naturally about 3mm below the visible gumline. Gingivitis can exist at up to 3mm depth, but there will be no loss of ligament and supporting bone.

Periodontitis has set in when the point of attachment below the visible gumline is greater than 3mm and the ligaments and bone have started to erode. Periodontitis advances in three stages; mild, moderate and severe.

Stages of Gum Disease

Mild periodontitis

The gum pocket depth is greater than 3mm on up to 5 mm and the infection has started to destroy the ligament and bone surrounding the tooth.

Moderate periodontitis

The gum pocket depth is now between 5 and 7mm and the ligament bone supporting the tooth has been further lost.

Severe periodontitis

Pocket depth is 7mm or greater and the ligament and bone loss has become severe. The depth of the tooth root is only 10 -12mm, so the tooth is in severe danger. Teeth can become loose at this point and may have to be removed.

If you have any of the following symptoms, you should see us and get a full examination to see if you have gum disease and how severely it has progressed.

  • Bad breath that will not go away
  • Red or swollen gums
  • Bleeding or tender gums
  • Gums that have pulled away from your teeth
  • Receding gums or teeth that appear longer than normal
  • Teeth that have shifted position
  • Loose teeth
  • An abscess coming from below the gumline

Contributing factors to gum disease: Although plaque accumulation and the resulting infection and inflammation is the principal cause of gum disease, there are several factors that make you more susceptible and can make the disease progress faster.

Systemic health problems: Health problems such as diabetes, respiratory disease, heart disease, and autoimmune disorders may contribute to gum disease.

Poor diet: Lack of proper nutrition may cause chronic adverse health symptoms, making you susceptible to gum disease.

Genetics: An estimated 50% of the population is genetically predisposed to gum disease. However, proper oral care can keep the disease in check or prevent it from occurring.

Female hormonal changes: Hormonal changes can sometimes make the gums more sensitive and make it easier for gum disease to develop.

Smoking: A recent study indicates that the most damaging types of bacteria for gum health are found in smokers’ mouths.

Medications and treatments for other health problems:  Some medications reduce the production and flow of saliva. Saliva has a protective effect on the mouth, and without enough saliva, the mouth is more susceptible to gum disease. Certain treatments for diseases can weaken the resistance of the gums, or cause excess gum tissue to grow which makes the gums and teeth harder to clean.

For more information, please talk to one of our doctors.

Replacement of Missing Teeth

Replacement of missing teeth services are provided .

Sleep Dentistry

Sleep Dentistry services are provided.

Pediatric Dentistry

The following services are provided

Geriatric Dentistry

Geriatric Dentistry services are provided :

TM Disorders

TM Disorder, or Temporomandibular Disorder, is a condition that affects the jaw joint and surrounding muscles. Common symptoms include jaw pain, clicking or popping sounds in the jaw, limited ability to open or close the mouth, and headaches. The causes of TM Disorder can vary and may include jaw injuries, teeth grinding or clenching, arthritis, stress, and jaw or teeth misalignment.

Dental Restorations

Dental Restorations services are provided.

All Ceramic/Zirconia Crowns

Ceramic and Zirconia crowns provided.